"Climate Of Gold" - 30"x30" - acrylic on canvas
"Woman In Red ~Rose Dress Sharing
"Springtime Reflection" 36"x36" 91.44 x 91.44 cm mix`med -
1st Place Momma International 2016
42"x42" - "Prince Siddhartha, Kapilavastu" Donation
"And, Therein Hides The Rabbit" - 36"x36"
Untitled - 50"x36" - acrylic on c/b
In the entertainment industry for thirty years, JasperKIRK was injured
October 14th, 2003 on a film set.
The accident cost Jasper the ability to continue work
as well losing his entire social network.
The following 13 years Jasper
suffered from severe depression.
One day a friend's bottle of acrylic paint fell on Jasper's bare toe.
The next day, "JAz" bought 16 pints of paint.
"Painting saved my life. Art Therapy at its finest!"
"JasperKIRK's works are as textured as is his person." Wissel Ruski
"1/20/17" - 30"x30" - mixed media
"RUM & COCONUT" - 45x42" - acrylic, mixmed on c/b
"Boven de Familie" 50"x35" . 127 x 63.5 cm
Bakkum collection.
"Cheval Hystérique" - 94cmx94cm. acrylique/toile
"Hysterical Horse" - 37"x37" - acrylic / canvas
Designs in ice - 45"x22" - mixed media
JasperKIRK ©
"Ballet" - 68"x34"- 172.72 x 86.36 cm - acrylic, pen & ink on paper
Mori collection
"Weeds And Flowers" - 36'X36" - acrylic on paper
"Blue-Greens Pool" - 63"x57"- mixed media
"Going Deeper" - 36"x36" - Acrylic on paper
27"x16.5" - mixed media
"Trellis" - 6'x4' - acrylic on c/b
Shoebill Bird 5ftx3ft - acrylic on c/b
"Red Canyon" - 36"x36" - mixed media
"Miyako Odori" "Performing Geisha"
42"x24" - mixed media